Conditions Surveys

A condition survey visually records and describes cracks, discolouring and other site defects observed at the time of the survey. This survey is completed to protect the contractor, developer and infrastructure owner.
Photo/Video Documentation
Photo/Video Documentation
coming soon
Pre & Post-Construction Surveys
Pre & Post-Construction Surveys
coming soon
Drone Photo/Videography
Drone Photo/Videography
coming soon
3D Site Surveys
3D Site Surveys
coming soon
Crack Monitoring
Crack Monitoring
coming soon
Remote Monitoring

Municon provides real-time monitoring services with quality actionable data, allowing data driven decisions to be made during the lifetime of a project. Municon has previously monitored dams, tunnels, bridges, excavations, utilities, critical infrastructure, among many other project types.
Vibration Monitoring
Vibration Monitoring
coming soon
Sound Monitoring
Sound Monitoring
coming soon
Settlement & Ground Movement Monitoring
Settlement & Ground Movement Monitoring
coming soon
Dust Monitoring
Dust Monitoring
coming soon
Groundwater Monitoring
Groundwater Monitoring
coming soon

The use of geophysical methods in subsurface investigations enables us to get a more complete picture of the underground, by obtaining two- or three-dimensional models.
MASW (Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves) Survey
MASW (Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves) Survey
coming soon
Utility Locating
Utility Locating
coming soon
Non-Destructive Testing

The use of geophysical methods in subsurface investigations enables us to get a more complete picture of the underground, by obtaining two- or three-dimensional models.
CSL (Crosshole Sonic Logging)
CSL (Crosshole Sonic Logging)
coming soon
TIP (Thermal Integrity Piling)
TIP (Thermal Integrity Piling)
coming soon
Concrete Scanning
Concrete Scanning
coming soon